Here's the list of the PCRE2 API functions exposed via org.pcre4j.api.IPcre2 and the backends:

API Description
pcre2_callout_enumerate Enumerate callouts in a compiled pattern
pcre2_code_copy Copy a compiled pattern
pcre2_code_copy_with_tables Copy a compiled pattern and its character tables
pcre2_code_free Free a compiled pattern
pcre2_compile Compile a regular expression pattern
pcre2_compile_context_copy Copy a compile context
pcre2_compile_context_create Create a compile context
pcre2_compile_context_free Free a compile context
pcre2_config Show build-time configuration options
pcre2_convert_context_copy Copy a convert context
pcre2_convert_context_create Create a convert context
pcre2_convert_context_free Free a convert context
pcre2_converted_pattern_free Free converted foreign pattern
pcre2_dfa_match Match a compiled pattern to a subject string (DFA algorithm; not Perl compatible)
pcre2_general_context_copy Copy a general context
pcre2_general_context_create Create a general context
pcre2_general_context_free Free a general context
pcre2_get_error_message Get textual error message for error number
pcre2_get_mark Get a (*MARK) name
pcre2_get_match_data_size Get the size of a match data block
pcre2_get_ovector_count Get the ovector count
pcre2_get_ovector_pointer Get a pointer to the ovector
pcre2_get_startchar Get the starting character offset
pcre2_jit_compile Process a compiled pattern with the JIT compiler
pcre2_jit_free_unused_memory Free unused JIT memory
pcre2_jit_match Fast path interface to JIT matching
pcre2_jit_stack_assign Assign stack for JIT matching
pcre2_jit_stack_create Create a stack for JIT matching
pcre2_jit_stack_free Free a JIT matching stack
pcre2_maketables Build character tables in current locale
pcre2_maketables_free Free character tables
pcre2_match Match a compiled pattern to a subject string (Perl compatible)
pcre2_match_context_copy Copy a match context
pcre2_match_context_create Create a match context
pcre2_match_context_free Free a match context
pcre2_match_data_create Create a match data block
pcre2_match_data_create_from_pattern Create a match data block getting size from pattern
pcre2_match_data_free Free a match data block
pcre2_pattern_convert Experimental foreign pattern converter
pcre2_pattern_info Extract information about a pattern
pcre2_serialize_decode Decode serialized compiled patterns
pcre2_serialize_encode Serialize compiled patterns for save/restore
pcre2_serialize_free Free serialized compiled patterns
pcre2_serialize_get_number_of_codes Get number of serialized compiled patterns
pcre2_set_bsr Set \R convention
pcre2_set_callout Set up a callout function
pcre2_set_character_tables Set character tables
pcre2_set_compile_extra_options Set compile time extra options
pcre2_set_compile_recursion_guard Set up a compile recursion guard function
pcre2_set_depth_limit Set the match backtracking depth limit
pcre2_set_glob_escape Set glob escape character
pcre2_set_glob_separator Set glob separator character
pcre2_set_heap_limit Set the match backtracking heap limit
pcre2_set_match_limit Set the match limit
pcre2_set_max_pattern_length Set the maximum length of pattern
pcre2_set_newline Set the newline convention
pcre2_set_offset_limit Set the offset limit
pcre2_set_parens_nest_limit Set the parentheses nesting limit
pcre2_set_recursion_limit Obsolete: use pcre2_set_depth_limit
pcre2_set_recursion_memory_management Obsolete function that (from 10.30 onwards) does nothing
pcre2_substitute Match a compiled pattern to a subject string and do substitutions
pcre2_substring_copy_byname Extract named substring into given buffer
pcre2_substring_copy_bynumber Extract numbered substring into given buffer
pcre2_substring_free Free extracted substring
pcre2_substring_get_byname Extract named substring into new memory
pcre2_substring_get_bynumber Extract numbered substring into new memory
pcre2_substring_length_byname Find length of named substring
pcre2_substring_length_bynumber Find length of numbered substring
pcre2_substring_list_free Free list of extracted substrings
pcre2_substring_list_get Extract all substrings into new memory
pcre2_substring_nametable_scan Find table entries for given string name
pcre2_substring_number_from_name Convert captured string name to number